
 The Rose lake ; Ritual dances

The Rose Lake : Medium fast -. The lake begins to sing. Slow -. Fast -. The Lake song is echoed from the sky. Slow -. Fast - Medium slow. The Lake is in full song. Slow -. Medium slow - Medium fast -. Medium slow -. The Lake Song leaves the sky. Slow -. Fast -. The Lake sings itself to sleep. Medium slow -. Calm - Medium fast. Titual dances (1953) : Prelude. Lento - Andante -. Transformation. L'istesso tempo -. Preparation for the first dance. Allegretto con moto vigoroso -. First dance. The earth in autumn (the hound chases the hare). Allegro molto. Transformation. [L'istesso tempo] - Andante -. Preparation for the second dance. Allegretto con moto vigoroso -. Second dance. The waters in winter (The otter chases the fish). Adagio tranquillo - Meno tranquillo - Tempo I: Tranquillo - Meno tranquillo - Con un poco moto -. Transformation. Allegro molto (tempo della prima danza quasi doppio movimento) - Andante -. Preparation for the third dance. Allegro flebile - Vigoroso -. Third dance. The air in spring (The hawk chases the bird). Allegro grazioso vivace (Tempo I) - L'istesso tempo - Allegro assai - Tempo I - Allegro assai. Preparation for the fourth dance. Doppio meno mosso -. Fourth dance. Fire in summer (The voluntary human sacrifice). Più mosso: Allegro moderato - Presto - Doppio meno mosso - Lento - Calando

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Magasin – se renseigner auprès d'un bibliothécaire Musique contemporaine DC/4 TIP SUITE C0003913943 Empruntable -

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