
 Le clavier bien tempéré : Richter plays Bach recorded live at the great hall of Moscow Conservatory on april 20 and 21, 1969

CD 1 : Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 1 in C major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 2 in C minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 3 in C sharp major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 4 in D sharp minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 5 in D major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 6 in E minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 7 in E flat major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 8 in E flat minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 9 in E major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 10 in F minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 11 in F major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 12 in F minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 21 in B flat major. CD 2 : Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 13 in F sharp major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 14 in F sharp minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 15 in G major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 16 in G minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 17 in A flat major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 18 in G sharp minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 19 in A major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 20 in A minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 21 in B flat major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 22 in B flat minor. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 23 in B major. Prelude and fugue n<U+00B0> 24 in B minor

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Magasin – se renseigner auprès d'un bibliothécaire Musique classique DC/3 BAC PIANO C0005259573 Empruntable -

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