
 Game of thrones : [B.O.F.]

CD 1 : Main title. Goodbye brother. The kingsroad. A golden crown. Await the king's justice. Jon's honor. Black of hair. You win or you die. Game of thrones. Kill them all. King of the north. The night's watch. CD 2 : The throne is mine. What is dead my never die. Warrior of light. Winterfell. Qarth. I am hers, she is mine. We are the watchers on the wall. One more drink before the war. House of the undying. The old gods and the new. Mother of dragons. I will keep you safe. CD 3 : A lannister always pays his debts. I paid the iron price. Chaos is a ladder. Dark wings, dark words. You know nothing. Wall of ice. Kingslayer. I have to go north. The night is dark. The lannisters send their regards. Heir to winterfell. For the realm

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